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SORRY no pictures, Just look at my last trip, and it looked the same. SO here is the story, Left the dock, and heaed to the bait barge, WOW, swells in the harbor oh my. We get a a scoop of HUGE deans, and heaed out to sea, its a 4 .5 mile journey out the channel to clwear kelp beds, once we cleared we headed on a south west direction. The swells were 3-5 feet, and wind howling, I was already getting wet. So Guess what, NEW direction, we heaed striaght west for a much better ride go firgure, usually west is the worst ride. Now we are about 8 mile out, and a navel vessel was horzontal to us from the right. Still I am moving about 8 knots being rough and all, I finally determined if the navel vessel was movinb or not, and sure enough it was heading south, SO I changed my course to North to go behind her, AND WHAT did they do!!! changed thier course and again to cross my path. WHAT?? i dont know if they were just messing with me, But really it was not that I could go fast in the conditions to speed past her. But we managed to get safely away from her.
Now back to the fishing, we were trollin about 30 miles out, when I see a Marlin sun bathing, My partner say's slow down let me throw a bait, I said NO we have a marlin jig, lets see if it takes it. >>>>> Sure enough ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Game on.!! 10 minutes into the battle POP!!

His crimped failed
He was bummed out. So off we go again, boxing the area for another, but no love. We heaed back southeast when we came across a very small paddy, maybe 2 foot by 2 foot, but she was loaed with yellowtail, and we were done in 30 minutes with limits . NOW AGAIN, we were all alone out there, when I see a couple of Marine Helicopters doing drills, when one broke formation, and heaed towards us. Sure enough he dropped way low and buzzed right over us. REALLY!!?? Hmmnn I guess we were the target to play with . Over all we had a great day.
Now back to the fishing, we were trollin about 30 miles out, when I see a Marlin sun bathing, My partner say's slow down let me throw a bait, I said NO we have a marlin jig, lets see if it takes it. >>>>> Sure enough ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Game on.!! 10 minutes into the battle POP!!