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Well Hunting season is upon me, but I opt not to go to dove opener and do one last trip.
Started out with 10 knot winds and 2 foot swell in the bay....its going to be a wet ride, 10 miles out swell is not 4- 5 foot swells wind still howling a d we are wet, I put on my bibs , but all it did was keep wind of me, I guess they were out their waterproof stuff. We still marched on, going only about trolling speed, so yea why not put out trollers, on and on, we went. We finally had e ough and made a out face heading in. Then the fun began, on pink and white we started greeting blind strokes on Skipjack tuna, and a few on bait. We managed 4 jig strikes and 3 on bait lost one. All small on my perspective, but I got good on the smoker as I am typing this.
My smoke recipe for the day is, #1 cut away blood line.#2 rince and soak few hours.#3 marinade in Moma scitas overnight. # 4 well put it on the smoker, mind you the tuna looks really dark that is rha Marinade. Oh that's not me in the photo, lol. It's my buddies brother in lar Nick.

Started out with 10 knot winds and 2 foot swell in the bay....its going to be a wet ride, 10 miles out swell is not 4- 5 foot swells wind still howling a d we are wet, I put on my bibs , but all it did was keep wind of me, I guess they were out their waterproof stuff. We still marched on, going only about trolling speed, so yea why not put out trollers, on and on, we went. We finally had e ough and made a out face heading in. Then the fun began, on pink and white we started greeting blind strokes on Skipjack tuna, and a few on bait. We managed 4 jig strikes and 3 on bait lost one. All small on my perspective, but I got good on the smoker as I am typing this.
My smoke recipe for the day is, #1 cut away blood line.#2 rince and soak few hours.#3 marinade in Moma scitas overnight. # 4 well put it on the smoker, mind you the tuna looks really dark that is rha Marinade. Oh that's not me in the photo, lol. It's my buddies brother in lar Nick.