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PerformanceOutdoors.net - powering your passion to get outside! That is our new name and our basic mission statement, to provide a community where casual conversation and civil discussions around the things we love to do in the outdoors.
PerformanceOutdoors.net really began in 2004 as Triumph Owners.net, an online community of Triumph and Logic Boat owners. I made a commitment early on to keep the cumulative information from Triumph owners, dealers, etc. accessible as long as possible. With the demise of Triumph Boats we decided to expand the scope of the website instead of closing it down. Thus PerformanceOutdoors.net was born.
We have added many new forums that address many of the interests of our current members and certainly will be of interest to members yet to register. From Boating to Fishing, Camping, etc. We have also opened many of the forums for Registered Members to participate in without being a Paid Subscription member. Our Paid Subscription is the Premium Member subscription. There are certain benefits to having the Premium Member level of participation as seen on the Subscribe page. We will be adding more benefits and refining them as we go along, but please know that your participation as a Premium Member will help us develop the content of the website.
So welcome to our new website with an established membership of several years. My sincere thanks to all of our Triumph Boat owner members, many of whom have been with us for many years. We will be inviting old members that do not have a Triumph Boat anymore to join us again and we will be reaching out to a new audience as well. We are also looking for "Content Experts" to assist with different forums. If there is a specific area of interest in our new forums that you might have a passion in spearheading please let us know!
Be sure to check out The Dog Lovers Forum in the Great Outdoors category where longtime member Genelie and law enforcement officer K9Reno will be sharing some great information about dog training. You can also introduce us to your Loyal Buddy in a forum of that name. 
There is a lot of work yet to do in the coming weeks and months so we would appreciate your assistance by suggesting new forums that we should add, by inviting friends and family to join us now that our focus has expanded beyond a single boat line. So stay tuned and we hope you like our new home!
My thanks to Dave (Dave LeGear) for his inspiration (and perspiration) in helping lay the ground work for PerformanceOutdoors.net.
Randy Durham
PerformanceOutdoors.net really began in 2004 as Triumph Owners.net, an online community of Triumph and Logic Boat owners. I made a commitment early on to keep the cumulative information from Triumph owners, dealers, etc. accessible as long as possible. With the demise of Triumph Boats we decided to expand the scope of the website instead of closing it down. Thus PerformanceOutdoors.net was born.
We have added many new forums that address many of the interests of our current members and certainly will be of interest to members yet to register. From Boating to Fishing, Camping, etc. We have also opened many of the forums for Registered Members to participate in without being a Paid Subscription member. Our Paid Subscription is the Premium Member subscription. There are certain benefits to having the Premium Member level of participation as seen on the Subscribe page. We will be adding more benefits and refining them as we go along, but please know that your participation as a Premium Member will help us develop the content of the website.
So welcome to our new website with an established membership of several years. My sincere thanks to all of our Triumph Boat owner members, many of whom have been with us for many years. We will be inviting old members that do not have a Triumph Boat anymore to join us again and we will be reaching out to a new audience as well. We are also looking for "Content Experts" to assist with different forums. If there is a specific area of interest in our new forums that you might have a passion in spearheading please let us know!

There is a lot of work yet to do in the coming weeks and months so we would appreciate your assistance by suggesting new forums that we should add, by inviting friends and family to join us now that our focus has expanded beyond a single boat line. So stay tuned and we hope you like our new home!

My thanks to Dave (Dave LeGear) for his inspiration (and perspiration) in helping lay the ground work for PerformanceOutdoors.net.
Randy Durham