Waiting for ice-out and looking at Maine boats

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chipper
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I really appreciate the content on this site. I live in Maine and am getting ready to buy my first boat after a long time thinking about it. I will probably be mooring it in Bowdoinham on Merrymeeting Bay and fishing for stripers in our coastal tidal rivers and along our coast. I am looking at a 2001 Logic 186 with a 115 Johnson. I read Mainah's post and how happy he/she is with the same model and motor - just up the river from me in Richmond! So that's very encouraging.

I'd like some advice though. The boat is supposed to have been used only 50 hours and has been professionally serviced. It was winterized in 2005, but it has sat outside (not well covered) and has been unused since 2005. The seats look a little moldy and the instrument panel looks weathered. From what I can see the hull looks solid with no scratches or dings. Before I buy, I would have a mechanic go over the engine. So as far as the boat itself goes - does this ropalene wonder just need to be polished and cared for or should I be cautious about something that has set outside for so long? Any thoughts about this boat's history and specifics on this model will be most welcome!:cool:

Thanks - Chipper
Hi Chipper, If you use the search tool you will find many ways to clean your boat so it looks like new. I also live in Maine and put in this month in Wiscasset{Sheepscot river} no ice. I think the coast gaurd ice breakers are done on the Kennebeck but there is still alot of ice flowing out of Merrymeeting bay and under the Bath bridge. It should be gone in a week I hope. I would drain out any fuel in the tank and start with fresh. Also you should make sure you can transfer the hull warranty. BFC in Woolwich on route 1{it was on the Kennebeck in Bath} is a good triumph dealer. Howie and Glenn have been outstanding and will answer any questions you have. Good luck with your new boat and I'll see you on the water. Bob

Elroy (Bob) hit it on the head. Go to BFC on route 1 in Woolwich about a mile north of The Taste of Maine on the left and talk to Glen and Howie about the boat. They may have been the ones who sold the boat originally and can give you background on it as well as advice on what to look for. If possible get the boat to them or one of them to the boat for a look.

It does look like the Coasties are finished up here on the river as it is clearing out rapidly now. Bowdoinham will follow shortly. The 186/190 is one of the few boats you'll feel comfortable about getting into and out of that little hahbah in lower tides.

I hope it's in good shape and you're able to get it. It's ideal for the river and several miles off shore in decent conditions. I'll be happy to answer any question about my experience with ours if you wish.
