Trolling Motor Wiring!

Glen Everett

Registered Member
Okay here is my issue... I cannot see a good way to hook up to my to existing batteries in series and still be able to charge them. So I believe I'm going to have to go with 2 additional 12-volt deep cycle batteries in series.... I have attached the schematic I'm going to use to wire it I am using 8 gauge marine grade wire and waterproof Marine connectors.... my question is can I use the same female connector for the trolling motor in reverse to charge my DC batteries?.... or even better yet is there a way to charge it off the motor?


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Okay here is my issue... I cannot see a good way to hook up to my to existing batteries in series and still be able to charge them. So I believe I'm going to have to go with 2 additional 12-volt deep cycle batteries in series.... I have attached the schematic I'm going to use to wire it I am using 8 gauge marine grade wire and waterproof Marine connectors.... my question is can I use the same female connector for the trolling motor in reverse to charge my DC batteries?.... or even better yet is there a way to charge it off the motor?

Yes, you can purchase a MinKota Dual battery bank charger made just for this. If you look at my Ozy Style 170DC post I have a photo with the charger just left of the Baystar steering kit. It gets charge from you motor but waits until your cranking battery is full then switches charging over to dual 12VDC trolling batteries. I actually got mine on Ebay from America as we don't have them here in Australia.