Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips by Klaus Tiedge

Dave LeGear

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Simply love Klaus's work, and sad that he is no longer with us to create and share even more content and tips... But there is a lot to learn from one of the Masters of Fine Art Photography even today.

So enjoy this short video, and hope you secure a few of these tips that has help changed my photo composition skills greatly!

And you can find more examples of his work or purchase here:

And do let them know the guys from Performance Outdoors.Net sent you if you reach out to them!

Good Shooting,
Great follow on tips video even for just us mere mortals who do not have the funds to get all of this gear much less, even drool over it... BUT if scaled down, some great tips to make sure you do not leave something behind and how to better organize your gear for a faster and smoother work flow :)

And it is the eye, not the gear that gets the shot! ;)