Streaming Fishing Show

Dave LeGear

Contributing Member
Lifetime Member
Premium Member
Tired of listening to your standard radio station?
Want to hear some fishing talk at work or home 24x7 on the Internet?
Plan on visiting the west coast of Florida soon and want to hear the latest on how the fishing has been or need some new tackle ideas?

Well I have the site for you... One of our local radio personalities and friend Captain Mel has now started to post his past few shows on his web site here...

And they have a lot of great fishing information and the one on tackle repairs was very interesting matter of fact, his web site is an excellent resource of fishing and conservation information. Here is the link to his home page...

As time goes along I have been working with Mel on converting and getting more of his past shows posted and hopefully, pressed onto CD as MP3 files so many hours worth of great fishing information can be listened to while traveling J
