You probably tell me it’s not my business but let me give you an external look on Florida and more globally on coimsye in general. As many Canadians Snow Birds I am schoked by all the waste I see when I come down here for winter: waste of plastic recyclable but put in the garbage or simply left on the beaches, waste os aluminium and other metal that are recyclable but dropped in the trashcan or in the ditches, waste of fuel spent in rush starts to the next red light or in huge trucks that never see nothing more than the US1 rushing in a black cloud of pollution, and so on.
Whole this the climate change radically and faster than expected: snowfalls never seen in the New England, dryness in California followed by extreme rain, tornados more frequents and destroyers each year, hurricane season longer with more violent and frequents storms, over exploitation of all natural ressources to make short term money. The jet stream is slowing with dramatic consequences on all the marine life on all oceans, the global warming increase the temperature of water in oceans killing the reefs and all the habitats of the fished wee all fish for. You are tight: we must protect fishing in Florida and everywhere in the world for our future is tightly bonded to the future of our environment,
Finally I must confess that if we probably do more to reduce our environmental impact in Canada and more specifically in Quebec it’s not enough and unfortunately too late.