Live Water Sports SUP

Dave LeGear

Contributing Member
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As I was doing my research for my posting for this new Forum yesterday and again this morning. I stumbled upon a nice video showing these SUP's in action and how my thoughts about having some free-board may come in handy... Seems the guys at SWE down in the Keys, discovered some Crocs when they were testing the product :rolleyes: Then again, once you load them up with coolers and gear, there really is not much free-board left ;) LOL

Still though, got to love the design and the stability it provides while having reduced drag from the Catamaran hull design. So enjoy the product links and video and hopefully... We can talk with them about these products and their cool accessories line (see the links below) more in depth, here in the near future :cool:

And if you would like to watch the entire video episode on the Live Watersports Product (since I will not allow me to embed the link) just click on the link below

I agree and believe they are also even more so with the larger 14 foot L4 board:


Now with an expanding range of accessorizes for these all of their boards:

And again compared to many and just like a Big Cat Hull Boat, stable with less drag and I higher freeboard to help (unlike a flat board) keep your feet somewhat drier and a tad more safer from things the might sting or bite. ;)

And let them know the guys from Performance Outdoors sent you if you do reach out to them!