Koch-Chemie - Motorplast review

Dave LeGear

Contributing Member
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Pan turned me onto this product and it works well!

Hit the youngest Honda engine bay with the pressure washer, and lightly cleaned it with a soft tire / tire well brush. Trust me, the engine bay was the cleanest part of the car before we got started on a 2 day detailing party on it!

After the spending maybe 15 or 20 minuets cleaning the engine bay, and spraying this on a (shall we say damp since I used a leaf blower on it after cleaning to help dry the engine bay) I spray it on and closed the hood to let dry to work on the rest of the car. All of the original color of the engine bay components like the red oil dipstick look awesome now, and just like it had come off the ship into the port many years ago :cool:

More important, it did not give it that fake spray clear coat look you use to see (and sometimes do by poor detailing) on used car lots that would not only have a fake shine, but would turn yellow not long afterwards from the engine heat... :oops:


After (much better) and while still working on the Headlights that were still yellow with the 3 inch buffer and some compounds...



So If you are serious about making it look good and OEM correct! Give it a try, you can get a bottle of it here:


Another example of what it can do to help one look factory correct and new again :)


And this one, has always been a pain to keep it clean, since that engine compartment is so poorly sealed... While driving, sand and crud go right over the top of the grill and top radiator support right on the engine cover and quite sure, it is getting a royal shower at 65 mph in the pouring rain :rolleyes:

Great stuff and works well!
Did an excellent job on the Xterra engine compartment, and hard to believe (for many) that she now has 9 years of use and not some show queen that sets in a trailer or garage all the time on her now...



Follow the steps in the video above which are pretty easy! And I think you will also become as pleased with yours, even if she has just had a few rinses from time to time ;)