issue getting on plane

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Melissa Kowal

Hello Everyone! I just bought a 2001 Logic w/a 70HP Johnson 2 stroke and this past week i have had an issue w/getting the boat on plane. When I try to excel over 30rpms the gauge drops and the engine kicks out. I have changed the spark plugs and fuel filter. I dont know if its a wiring issue etc as I noticed the fuel gauge goes a little haywire when i try to pick up speed. The boat runs great at 20rpms- just cruising so in my waterways so I dont know what to think...any suggestions are much appreciated as this is my first boat!!!!
How old is the fuel in the tank? It should be new and fresh for best results. You stated that you put in a new fuel filter. Was it a water separator filter? That would be a large in line fuel/water filter on the outside of your engine, not the small one inside the engine cover. If your fuel has water in it a 2 stroke engine may burn it or force it through the engine at low rpms, but it will not burn it at higher rpms plus it could damage your engine. I'm only guessing this may be the problem since the motor and boat is an older model.If it sat up and was not used for awhile water could accumulate and the fuel lose its octane. Good luck with your "new" boat.You will really enjoy it when you get your motor running correctly.
John D.
issue getting boat on plane

Thanks for your suggestions/assistance! I put new fuel in it along with stabilizer as my local marine store suggested-it is the rainy season here,so he thought water might have been an issue. The fuel filter that was replaced is the one under the engine cover, not the other that you mentioned. The previous owners rarely if ever used this boat so the engine has minimal hours on it- the guy literally started it weekly and let it run, but never took it has spent most of its life on a lift and not much else. My boat is in the water all the time- docked behind my house & I thought that might have been part of the issue, but wasnt sure. Thank you again for your help! I know I will enjoy this once I get it worked out!!
Some fuel filters are more or less permiable also. In my last boat I had changed filters once and had flow restriction problems. Either way, it may be something to look at.
Melissa, The problem might also be a fuel pump or gas line obstruction or an air leak at higher engine speeds. I hope you solve your problem and enjoy your logic!! Bob
issue getting boat on plane

Hello, and thanks alot for your input! I had a mechanic stop by, and the base of the carburetor was completely gummed up do to the boat sitting on a lift all these years (the people that had it never used it), so a nice cleaning of the carburetor, and its good as new!!! He siaid thats why at the higher speed the fuel wasnt getting picked up. Thanks again!