Hello Everybody!


Registered Member
My name is Ashley Wayne Bennett and I'm from Decatur, Alabama. I grew up fishing and hunting on the Tennessee River. I am now stationed in Ocean City, Maryland with the U.S. Coast Guard. I recently purchased a Triumph 170 Dual Console. So far, she's a great boat and I'm really looking foreward to putting her through her paces. Look foreward to seeing everyone on the forum.
Ashley Bennett, USCG
Welcome aboard Ashley. The 170 is a great boat. We look forward to your participation and appreciate your service to our country in the Coast Guard. :cool:
Hi Ashley. Welcome aboard.:D
welcome aboard

USCG and then recreational boating on your own....Now there's a devoted boater. ;) Acually, thats what we need more of, to increase the Guard's awareness and understanding between the "Man" and the public.

I had an issue with the Guard quite a while back, and it left a bad taste.(not to mention a hole in my wallet):(......could've been an isolated incident or just a policy typical of boating in South Florida. I certainly hope things have changed or improved since then.

In any case, you will find this, an informative and friendly group and I welcome you aboard, both professionally and privately. :)

I had an issue with the Guard quite a while back, and it left a bad taste.(not to mention a hole in my wallet):(......could've been an isolated incident or just a policy typical of boating in South Florida. I certainly hope things have changed or improved since then.

Sorry Ashley, I didn't mean to rain on your parade. Many asked me what was the issue with the Coasties. So I took it to a Blog.

Again, welcome aboard Ashley......."pay no attention to the big mouth behind the curtain".......:D
No problem

Sorry Ashley, I didn't mean to rain on your parade. Many asked me what was the issue with the Coasties. So I took it to a Blog.

Again, welcome aboard Ashley......."pay no attention to the big mouth behind the curtain".......:D

Capt. Bill,
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the Coast Guard. Some of my shipmates are quite overzelous in their law enforcement duties. We usually try and educate the public, rather than slap them with fines and such.
I appreciate your response Ashley. Thanks.

From my experience watching the increase and change in boaters over the years in the Miami and Florida Keys areas, the Coast Guard, Marine Patrol, Park Service and Police will all have their hands full will more and more serious violators around here...........so I'm fairly sure they won't have any slack time to get around to me again. :eek:

And no offense intended but I hope I never have to call on them either. ;)
Ashley..welcome. I live in OC and have a 215cc. I can hip you to where the fish are hiding in the bay and inlet area! I'll be out on the water at the east channel (drift fishing around Harbour Island). I have an American flag and Army flag flying on my t-top port and starboard of rocket launchers. Hope to see you on the water, and thank you for your service to our boating community.
Ashley..welcome. I live in OC and have a 215cc. I can hip you to where the fish are hiding in the bay and inlet area! I'll be out on the water at the east channel (drift fishing around Harbour Island). I have an American flag and Army flag flying on my t-top port and starboard of rocket launchers. Hope to see you on the water, and thank you for your service to our boating community.
Thanks for the reply. I'll definetly be taking you up on your offer. Not sure when. I'm on duty at the station this weekend and I'm going to Hatteras on Monday. I'll be back the next week though. Some local knowledge of the area would help out a lot. I really appreciate it.
Welcome Aboard Coastie and know you will keep up the traditions of the Service :D

Blessings to you and your crew and if you ever make it to Gator Country let me know via PM and we will go hit the Flats for some fishing :cool: