Etech Tach problems

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I bought a new left over 04 17cc about 8 months ago. It has a 75 etec motor on it. Well because of work I have only had this boat out twice. Today I cleaned it up in hopes to start fishing soon. Well I noticed that the tach does not work now. I checked all connections and they seem to be alright. Would this still be covered under warranty.

If only eight months have passed since your purchase I'd hope so. If not it shouldn't be to difficult to fix. I moved from Ocala back to SC 15 months ago. There is a decent dealer In Crystal River if I'm not mistaken. Of course if your dealer is any kind of dealer at all he should stand behind what he sells. Let us know how it works out.
Tach Problems


Have you pursued your tach problem?
thanks greyoldchief, I contacted Faria they gave me a warranty number and told me to send the tach in for replacement. The dealer told me that they would do it but they had to pull the tach and send it in. The dealer is about an hour drive so I sent it in myself.
Thanks Scrappler. They are pretty fast so it shouldn't take too long before you're back in business.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all members and their families.