Wiring Maintenance


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North Coast
I've been laid up a while, so I haven't used the boat in months. Today, I went out there to run it in the test tank and operate all the equipment.

Got on board and everything was good. Suzuki DF250 fired right up, electronics are working well. All the various systems came on, except for the fish box pump-out switch. It didn't turn on the pumps, and it didn't light up. I started trouble shooting and fearing the worst, stared thinking I had a bad switch.

What I found was a dirty connection at the circuit breaker for that circuit. Put a multimeter on it and had power on one side but not on the other. Started to unscrew the connection and found some corrosion. A very little amount. It looked dirty, not heavily corroded. I cleaned the connections, put a little corrosion blocker on it and presto-magico! Works as designed.

I then went to the back of the dash and took a look at the wiring connections at the back of the switches and gauges. Same thing... A couple connections were just ever so corroded. Not bad, but just a little. (It's 11 years old). So, I cleaned and used the Corrosion Blocker on all of them.

Take a look at your wiring connections and as a matter of maintenance, consider cleaning them periodically and using a dielectric grease on them. I prefer Corrosion Blocker, but any dielectric grease will do. I use the spray on some items and the grease on others.


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