Don't see a lot of West Coast fishermen on this site....


Registered Member
so here is one.

My name is Tony and my son just bought a 21' C/C. We fish generally in the San Diego area, anywhere from onshore, halibut being my first choice, to chasing tuna 50 miles plus. All our previous fishing has been on my 17.5' SeaSwirl C/C, even the 50 mile runs. I really look forward to making the trips in a more confortable, drier boat than we did in the past. My son bought the isenglass (spl) enclosure and it's worth every dine he spent on it.

My Seaswirl still sits in my garage where is available for my local trips during the week. I spent too many hours modifying it to sell. I have grown too fond of it to sell it.

My son, who is 43, does not like computers, so here I will be on this site instead.

Look forward to "talking" to you.
Welcome Tony from our country's west coast. We are glad you joined us, and hope you can both contribute new ideas and pictures and maybe learn something that will help you and your son.

From the other coast, Vic in Osprey FL
Thanks for the greeting.

My son who is a cabinet maker by trade is in the process of building a electronics box to mount on the t-top and a cleaning board that will be mounted across the two stern seat arm rests.

As soon as he is done I will post some pictures. Oh, and he's adding teak rails at the stern. One of his friends is a outstanding custom chest designer which includes intricate inlays. He did two on my son's teak rails. One is a YFT and the other is a halibut, my favorite species.

Everything should be done in one week.

BTW, since I'm new to this site, how do I post pictures?
New Guy

Look to see you on the water. We are picking up this weekend and should be out for spring break. Living in Temecula so probably launching in Oceanside, Mission Bay and San Diego. Boat name is OUR REWARD.

Thanks for the welcone.

My son's boat name is BAD FISH. I am putting the name on his boat as soon as the weather drys up a little. Been unusually rainy around here, but probably not as much as in your area. I already had a sign shop cut it out. About 6" letters with a nice 4 color yellowfin tuna between the two words. My youngest son is a graphics guy so he designed the tuna for.

BTW: My boat is a 17.5 SeaSwirl C/C with my boat name FISH2XS on both sides also. I fish quite frequently during the week.

I know the San Diego area pretty well but O'side is an area I am not familiar with.

You want to do any buddy boating just send me an e-mail at

Hope to hear from you.
New Guy

Will do. We are doing our shakedown tomorrow.
Baby boy (14) is off for two weeks, spring break.
Should be out alot. Oceanside is closest to us but I grew up in SD.
Have you done the Coronado run ever?
Coronado fishing


Yes, I have fished the Coronados quite a few times over living 40 years in San Diego.

But one of my favorite spots in down the Mexican coast, a place called Punta Desconso, 25 miles down.

On our first trip this year we caught a 40# WSB.

It's off the beaten path, but because of that it gets very little pressure. Most times I am there by myself with only a couple local pangas. Occasionally, very occassionally, there might be one other boat.

There's good kelp and hard bottom areas (90' deep) where we target bass and rockcod fishing with just bait casting gear. I usually release everthing but the red snapper which I like to BBQ.

It's an interesting area.

Buddy Boat

We just purchased a new 2004 210cc from a dealer in the middle of the desert and would love to Buddy Boat for albies/ yellow kelp patty hopping etc. Let me know.
I'm a West coaster. I'm up in the Eureka area in Humboldt county.
Hey Jan
I went to school at HSU. Got a degree in marine bio. Went up for a week of vacation to see my old stompin grounds and secret fishin spots. And to eat at Samoa Cook house!!
Ah, the good times!! Humboldt honeys, humboldt weed, great fishin and the redwood forest, what more could ya want. (? less rain?) lol.

I live down south, Huntington beach, Ca. Not as a starving biologist, but as a successful general contractor.

My boat, 190 bay, allows me to dream of my humboldt days in the bay.

I's a small world

We moved up here in '97 and I love the place...the Yellow tail and Calico fishing sucks though. lol But it's a great place to live if you don't mind a little rain.

Great Halibut fishing and now that I have a better boat I'm heading out to test the waters for the larger Pacific Halibut. :)
welcome to the group mark
good to see someone going back in time to read earlier threads!!!
Welcome from the east coast,I'd love to see your idea for the cleaning table!I have been racking my brain to come up with something along that line.Anyone else have any ideas? Maybe we could start a new thread,What I use to clean fish and cut bait.Again welcome, this is a great site! Daveh
I am another west coaster . I have an '05 210 CC, 5 piece isenglass and a bow dodger . We fish from Morro south to S.D. My boat name is No Fences.

I gonna try to target Halibut this year. I've never tried to target them before. We are toying with trying MDR Halibut derby in april.

Hope to see you guys on the water.
welcome to the family no fences. before long there is gonna be enough of our left coast brothers to throw a get together!!!!