- State
- Florida
If you don't have your boat in a bag by now, I can't think of a better week to go grab some fresh high octane fuel for next spring! That is unless you live in Gulf Coast and still using the stuff like I am
Be that as it may, I do not feel these prices will hold out (though great for the economy) for very long. Also next spring, you will have the normal jump in fuel prices as we move from winter blended fuel back to summer fuels and the extra cost paid for such. Just make sure you put in some Star Tron before fueling so it mixes well and keeps fresh over the cooler months...
See ya on the water

Be that as it may, I do not feel these prices will hold out (though great for the economy) for very long. Also next spring, you will have the normal jump in fuel prices as we move from winter blended fuel back to summer fuels and the extra cost paid for such. Just make sure you put in some Star Tron before fueling so it mixes well and keeps fresh over the cooler months...
See ya on the water