has anyone had out there had to replace their stereo? I have the Clarion XMD3 in my boat that has gone bad. Will the new Clarion CMD4 fit without any modifications (same bolt holes etc...)?????
Sorry, can't help on the Clarion, but from what I have been told, most radios only last a year or two.
That is why I purchased a less expensive radio from a big box store, and a four year warranty for $20.00. Should get at least one new radio in a few years.
We installed the radio/CD player under the top half of the center console. Please see photo I attached.
We also used thePoly-Planar Weather Enclosure (WC400). The gasketed cover is designed to protect our stereo from the harsh marine environment. If you do not want to go this way, compare the face plate size of your current radio with sizes at any store. I bet you can find one that is very close in size.
I would at least recommend the Poly-Planar Splash Cover. It is around $20.00 and should help protect a new radio.
Had great results from uncovered PolyPlanar cd stereo and waterproof speakers. Weathered everything from cokes, beer, rain and tons of salt water(it's mounted beneathe the two console cup holders and drain). It is smaller though than the Clarion so some plastic welding would have to be done I guess.
Good Luck
Try taking off the face plate (nice kitchen table project) and clean behind the buttons and use some contact cleaner on them. I also used a hair dryer to help pull out any left over mositure that you can sometimes see inside the face plate.
I was able to get mine working again that way and remember to keep the garden hose off of it in the future
Try taking off the face plate (nice kitchen table project) and clean behind the buttons and use some contact cleaner on them. I also used a hair dryer to help pull out any left over mositure that you can sometimes see inside the face plate.
I was able to get mine working again that way and remember to keep the garden hose off of it in the future
It may or may not work, but it is a pretty cheep fix if it does
Make sure you also use the hair dryer on the unit and also spray the unit with some silicone afterwards. About the only thing I could not to get work again on the 210's old deck was the CD repeat button from what I recall...
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