191 DC Trailer Bunks and Boat Lift


Registered Member
Pleasant Valley
I have a 2004 191 DC on a Triumph factory (EZ Loader) tandem axle trailer (all purchased used) and I plan to install a boat lift. Thanks for posting the bunk designs which I planned to have the lift installer duplicate. What has me confused is that my trailer does not have the same bunk arrangement, in particular my trailer does not have the forward keel support. I have not measured the bunk layout precisely.

First, is the bunk layout drawing for the 191/195 family correct for the 191 DC, which seems to be something of an orphan?

Second, should I be concerned about the support of the boat on the trailer without the forward keep support?

Third, should I duplicate the trailer or the bunk drawing for the boat lift?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.
I checked with the factory for you on this and here was their response:
Contact your dealer so that we can send a bow support for your trailer.

Right now I don't have a dealer I am working with. I live in CT and have worked with A&S Boats in East Windsor but the boat is temporarily out of state. Is the bow support something I could install myself? I have pretty good DIY skills and even more skilled friends to help. Would the factory ship the support to me directly or does it have to go to a dealer?

I checked with the factory for you and they said "Yes" they would ship it to you. Contact customerservice@triumphboats.com and let them know you were directed to them about this from performanceoutdoors.net. :)

NCAngler, thanks for the help. This go-between is a great service and we appreciate it. I'll contact the factory as instructed and I'll let you know how I make out. I don't supposed there is a phone number so I could actually talk with someone, is there? Otherwise, e-mail will certainly do.
Here was the word I received from the remaining support contact at Triumph:
customerservice@triumphboats.com is the best address to send general e-mails to. We ask that everyone exercise patience as we have a very limited staff right now and we are not able to answer all e-mails or phone calls as promptly as we would like.
Here was the phone number they provided: 919-382-3149