170cc trailer


Participating Member
Premium Member
Pa / NJ
Hello, taking a shot at it, doesn't anyone have one for sale?
Hey gang, does this trailer look like it can be made into a triumph trailer?
Which Triumph hull are you wanting to put it on? Go to the "Resources" link in the upper right corner then select the trailer specification sheet for the hull you have. Then click on the Download button to get the .pdf of the bunk specifications. Those were given to us by Triumph Boats before they went out of business. You should be able to tell if that trailer will work based on the bunk layout specifications. Hope this helps.

Thanks Randy, I have the bunk lay out specification. I'll have to add the front cross member other then that I can lay the bunks out just fine. Are you saying as long as I can do that I'm good to go?
You just need all the bunks as laid out to fully support the Roplene hull. The length of the boards are important too. If the trailer is long enough and wide enough to accommodate those specifications and can handle the weight of your rig I would think you would be good to go, but I'm no expert on the subject. :)