Weekend-HOOKER SLAMMED the STRIPERS out of Oregon Inlet!


Contributing Member
I fished last Friday through Sunday out of Oregon Inlet in NC. Friday was slow but we did finally find some fish and caught one. Saturday and Sunday was on FIRE! I pulled through many huge schools of ROCKS and had 3 & 4 rods go down at once. Caught 30 25+ pound Stripers over the weekend! Pictures to come soon!!

** The 190 Bay can hang with the big boys for sure..... I LOVE MY BOAT!
Wow! Sounds like a great trip. Can't wait to see the photos! :cool:
Ill post pictures tonight when I get home from work.....
Looks like a bunch of F U N.

Well Done Boost!
Fantastic catch! Way to go Boost...
We definitely had a trip of a lifetime! 30 total STRIPERS for the trip....brought home 13 and did the sportsman like thing by throwing back all fish each day after getting our 6-fish limit! Its hard throwing back 25+ pound stripers when you have some 18-20's in the cooler.....the smaller ones are better eating anyway ;-)
Killer Dude! Those fish are stacked so thick from Duck south that you can walk across them on a good day. Hopefully those commercial dumba**es quit netting and leaving them to die.

**** fish blew right past the Ches Bay this year. Got too cold, too fast. Luckily they're hanging close. We'll get our share here in about a month when they make their turn back north. Save a few for me! :)
Yea guys.... I have saw the reports on the Trawlers in that area. I know its nothing new but this has to be stopped!

* The Rocks should be headind North in a couple weeks if the weather gets right! Either way its the same amount of truck time for me :-) ...
I'm looking for the emoticon I have on other forums I use. The one that says "This thread is useless without pictures." Awesome but we want to see fish!
I'm looking for the emoticon I have on other forums I use. The one that says "This thread is useless without pictures." Awesome but we want to see fish!

They are middle way down the first page... ;-)
Yes we did... :)