Flats Class TV

Dave LeGear

Contributing Member
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Premium Member
A couple of years ago, I attended the original Flats Class 1 day training seminar and greatly increased my skills. Not long after the class, I snaged my personal best Snook and a picture of it was on the Mann's Bait web page for quite a while ;)

So I was very happy to see CA start a TV show knowing how good a teacher of the sport he really is. This unlike a lot of others shows where you just watch others fight fish while they run sponsor commercial after sponsor commercials...

So enjoy their site and most important, learn some from these videos and drop the guys a line letting them know how much you learned :D

Welcome to FlatsClass
Went to an event down in Bonita Springs called "Daiwa Days" and hung out with CA pretty much all day on Saturday. I had not seen CA in a year or so, and it was great to set and chat with him again for quite some time. In my opinion, CA is the best "Teacher" of the sport of any of the guys that I know. I will share those newer tactics I learned Saturday in another thread when I get a chance to go over my notes...

CA and I have a training trip planned in the next few weeks (Flats Class on the water as he calls it) and when not scouting or fishing, I will grab some pictures and hopefully some video on the Flip and post it. I am looking forward to the trip since it is something the CA and I have talked about in the past and I have a list of questions and items I want to cover with him in real time. This time on the water that hopefully will improve my skills in scouting and lure selection greatly :cool:

Tight Lines!
This video covers one of the tactics CA and I were discussing in depth...

And I have an idea on another soft plastic presentation using this same rigging method that I need to "pool test" down at Jim's as work we out the bugs on it and then try it on the water :D Pictures and some FLIP Video on that one here soon ;)
This rig looks so good I think I will try it up here on some rockfish out on the Susquehanna Flats. Thanks, and keep these videos coming, its going to get to cold to fish soon and it gives me something to do. LOL
"pool test"

Dave on the other idea "soft bait" you have sounds good . We will throw it in the pool then we can go try them out..
This rig looks so good I think I will try it up here on some rockfish out on the Susquehanna Flats. Thanks, and keep these videos coming, its going to get to cold to fish soon and it gives me something to do. LOL

Most Welcome Brother (more to come) and let us know how it works out for you. It is not a search bait by any means, but if you know the fish are nearby, I think it will work well and since you can use quite a heavy weight with it and on the right rod, you can sling it a mile which comes in very handy so the fish do not know you are around ;)
Trip with CA

I had a great trip with CA the other day and though we did not get into the fish (water just way too cold at 58-60 degrees) I learned a LOT of tactics on "his" style of Power Fishing such as...

* How to cover water quickly and when to give up on a area. I think way to many of us get hung up on the thinking of “I got into them here before” and as such stick around too long in an area void of fish.

* A few birds on the shore is no big deal, but a lot is important.

* Do not spend a lot of time in very shallow water while neglecting to look in the deeper flats.

* How he will drive over (dust them off the bottom) one or two fish to see if the Reds and Trout are on a Flat with the Trolling Motor and then after seeing such, then start the process of extraction.

* The real difference between Mullet moment and wake versus that of a Red or Trout when they move off.

* Lure selection and color to cover large amounts of water for different conditions. And and how one better limber up before you start casting or your arm is going to be sore using “his” method of covering water.

* Area selection that I first thought would not have enough bottom cover to both stage and hold fish, but will and did was somewhat of a shock to me.

* How too much wave action (and that break point) will keep fish off of real shallow flats so best to stay on the leeward side of the winds if at all possible.

* As I suspected and why I have a digital water temp gauge on my boat dash, that water temperature is king no matter the season.

* Oyster Beds require some influx of fresh water to grow which is something I had forgotten which can also effect (to some small degree) water temps and clarity.

* Having the right purpose rigged rods as I suspected comes in “very” handy. That the 7.6 foot Spinning rod with braid loaded for distance casting, is not really the right tool for casting a Top Water plug. But that a low profile bait caster loaded with the "correct" type of mono really is.

* How using a Digital Voice Recorder with the Microphone set on VOX on this trip (or any trip for logging info) is a great idea and glad I took mine with a sponge wind cover installed for the mic. This for I have listened to some of those files again and picked up some more comments and observations that CA made that I missed or had forgotten the first time.

* Flounder need water movement since they really cannot run down a meal and as such, has to get a meal flushed to them. This told me that the spot I saw on the satellite view as well as the cut when we drove over it could be a good spot for Reds and Snook to lay in wait when the water temps were warmer even on less than normal tidal flow days.

So even though we do not get into the fish (I managed to snag only one Flounder) and took come chilly spray over the side as we were running through the white caps looking to find the fish. It was not from a lack of trying! Thumping a bunch of fish was not the real purpose of this trip though...

What I did manage to cover, was my page and a half of questions as well as both record on audio and some video, other tips that will help me a lot and I cannot recommend a trip with CA the Flats Master enough! This to help bring one into that group of 10% of the anglers that get 90% of the fish. And though I consider myself a pretty serious student of the sport of Flats Fishing and known CA for quite some time... I only wished I had taken a trip with him much sooner. This for I know I have shaved months, if not years worth of time learning via the school of hard knocks (and far fewer fish) what I manged to learn and review with him that day spent on his boat.

So I am really looking forward to having another trip with my friend here in the very near future to help fill in some more blanks as I go over all this material I now have to both review and test on the water myself before our next trip.

So call Dr. Richardson and come "prepared" for class. It is not a trip you will not soon forget and some of the best education one can have while working on both your Minor in Marine Biology, and your Degree in Flats Fishing all in one day :)
I have been following this post with great interest. I am always looking for methods to improve my fishing techniques and I have discovered that Capt Richardson will be conducting a class in Jacksonville, Florida on November 5th. I have sent my payment for the class and I am looking forward to attending. Thank you for the information and the opportunity to learn more about our sport.
I tried to send you a PM but I do not have your address. HOw do you locate e-mail addresses on our forum/
You "should" (Browser could effect such and I use Firefox) be able to just hover and click your mouse over my name in any thread, and one of the links that shows up is "Private Message" and then you can drop your e-mail address, phone number, etc. into a private note to me ;)
Updated some of the older links, and video link on the third posting in this thread is simply great information to have and retain, any time you are trying to cover and rule out water ;)