playing in the shallows = no pee!


Participating Member
So when I go on my crabbing trips I usually have to find a spot for the dog to take care of business.

A couple of weeks ago I took him to the usual spot and the eel grass was super thick. Before that the suzuki df60 was peeing normally.
Now, no pee. I also want to add that I lightly hit a log which made the motor stall. It started back up and it seems to run normally other then the no pee issue.

So this past Sunday.
I noticed I have no pee. I mean its really dry nothing comming out.

On the side port side of the engine is a screw plug which I unscrewed and turned the engine on and the water seems to pump up and out of that hole What is that hole anyway I don't see anything in the service manual about it. Its about 3/4" in diameter.

This past sunday I drove all day with the engine not peeing. It never overheated ( the sensor did not come on) but I am afraid that I might have broke something.

I checked the service manual and I cannot find anything about how the water actually flows through the lower unit vents out of the pee hole to try and find if anything is clogged.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. The impeller is new to this season.

thanks a lot
I'm no expert on motors but if it's not working correctly i would have it checked . Maybe the water pump isn't working or you intake is clogged , either way can't be good.
Do not run the engine if there is no water coming out of the PEE hole......Take her to the Dealer and have the Water Pump Fixed or cleaned out. Sounds to me like you have some debris in there...
I also go with the consensus: clogged inlet/water pump. I sucked up some seaweed and the peeing stopped, the service guys cleaned it right out (I was bringing in for 20hr tuneup anyway). I did not watch them (should have), but I would think it is something you could do.

BTW: the 3/4 screw plug on the port side is likely a freshwater engine flush port which you can attach a hose. At least that is what it is on my DF150. I also have a second screw plug on the aft side. You might try to hookup the hose (a special quick connector is available for <$10) and flush to seeing if the peeing resumes. Water normally will exit the pee hole when flushing.
That's happened to me also...99% sure you sucked in some grass and it's clogging the system. Got to have that cleaned out. As others have said, do not run the engine without having a good pee stream.

Tight lines.
Blocked enging cooling indicator

On my Yam. 80 four stroke, last boat, I had a similiar problem after shallow water running. Before spending bucks at the dealer, look at the short section of hose that supplies the "pee" hole. Just needed to take loose and use a fine wire and some water to flush this short section of line and the nozzle. I had sand and sea shell pcs. blocking the water flow.

I remember needing some plastic wire ties to secure the tubing as it was from the factory.

Good luck with your problem.
Ok well I didn't wanna have to but I will take the lower unit off again and check the pump. I will also try to flush it from the port side hole.

I will also look for the flushing for the aft side.

I will also look for the flushing for the aft side.


Both ports in the "150" do the same thing just two options on where to attach hose.
Bluecrab, I was about halfway to the harbor last week and noticed my 60 was not putting out water as it always does. I shut her down in the canal and pulled the tube off. I found a dirt dobber had it stoped up.
WellI took the lower unit off. I notices the trip tab is missing. i dunno how long its been like that.

Anyway The impeller looks fine. Nothing seems to be clogged in the port or starboard side filters.
However, I can't seem to get them off to look inside.

I stick wire down the hole and nothing seems to be stuck. I also fed wire through the water pipe in the mid unit nothing seems to be clogged but I can't seem to find where to get through to the pee hole. I guess the next step is to put it all back together and try to flush it.

I didn't have time to get to that part since the baby was getting bored.


I'm not giving up yet. Im trying to get one last crabbing trip this weekend :-)

Bluecrab, I was about halfway to the harbor last week and noticed my 60 was not putting out water as it always does. I shut her down in the canal and pulled the tube off. I found a dirt dobber had it stoped up.

When you say "the tube" are you speaking of the horizontal tube that is less then 6 inches long?I couldn't get that tube off. I'll try harder when the baby lets me :-)

The tell tale or pee is a sign of a problem but it could be as simple as a piece of grass or sand has clogged the hose or port for the tube for the tell tale. If you have an air hose remove the engine cover, blow from the pee tube up top and see if you feel air coming out at the bottom anywhere. You may need to cover up so holes on the bottom with tape but you may be able to blow air back up to the top. Put on muffs and run engine see if water comes out tell tale. You can also follow hose and disconnect in areas but water jacket may be clogged. keep in mind tell tale may not flow until engine heats up enough for tstat to open. Also you cant alwas trust the alarms and guages to tell you the engine is overheating so I would be careful how much you decide to risk it.

I have had to do this several times on my yamaha f150...just one of those boating things...Not sure how your Suzuki is hope this helps.
Blue mine is different than you it seems . Mine has a rubber tube that the water comes out of
The tell tale or pee is a sign of a problem but it could be as simple as a piece of grass or sand has clogged the hose or port for the tube for the tell tale. If you have an air hose remove the engine cover, blow from the pee tube up top and see if you feel air coming out at the bottom anywhere. You may need to cover up so holes on the bottom with tape but you may be able to blow air back up to the top. Put on muffs and run engine see if water comes out tell tale. You can also follow hose and disconnect in areas but water jacket may be clogged. keep in mind tell tale may not flow until engine heats up enough for tstat to open. Also you cant alwas trust the alarms and guages to tell you the engine is overheating so I would be careful how much you decide to risk it.

I have had to do this several times on my yamaha f150...just one of those boating things...Not sure how your Suzuki is hope this helps.

Hrrrm I wonder if the tstat is busted?
Hrrrm I wonder if the tstat is busted?

If it was working before you ran shallow and not afterward I would still suspect a blockage. Once that eel grass gets in and dries it's tough to get may take some effort but, if it were me, that's where I would focus.

Just my thoughts.
I doubt if your thermostat is busted. I'm like the others,just a small blockage in the pee hole tube.Try a small piece of wire or pipe cleaner and stick it in the pee hole while you are running the engine on muffs.If that does not solve it try to trace backwards on the pee tube and disconnect each connection and clear it, continuing as far as you can go.If that does not solve it then take it to the mechanic.
John D.
On my Yam. 80 four stroke, last boat, I had a similiar problem after shallow water running. Before spending bucks at the dealer, look at the short section of hose that supplies the "pee" hole. Just needed to take loose and use a fine wire and some water to flush this short section of line and the nozzle. I had sand and sea shell pcs. blocking the water flow.

I remember needing some plastic wire ties to secure the tubing as it was from the factory.

Good luck with your problem.

Yeah I cleaned that tube too and I didn;t see anything in there. i may have fixed it I need to take it to the hose flush and put the ears on.

Yeah I am the type of person that will be the last to take it to the stealer, ahem I mean dealership.

A pancake air compressor, air hose and chuck is about 2 hours of shop time plus it good to have on hand to fill those those tires with.
Folks I am not sure it is a blockage. I hooked her up to the ears and the port on the port side of the engine and its just a dribble coming out of the tell tail. I disconnected the hose which is clear and it dribbles also.
I just can't remember how hard the water is supposed to stream out of the tell tail when hooked up to the ears.

by the way when hooked up to the flush port water flows out of the water ports on the lower unit, and out of the prop everything seems to be good.

Loving being aboat owner.

Really it may need to have the water jacket removed but blowing air in might help...You may need to run it into a mechanic but if you have good water pressure and you have a good water pump (havent burnt or worn it out) the circulation through the power head should produce a stream of continous water although it may not be high pressure. I would say a dribble would suggest an issue of some sort. check out this link of a suzuki df80 2008 powerhead look item 15 and 16 you should have two water jacket covers but the tell tale ports may be small enough they are bloxed while the exiting water is not restricted. If you could blow some air into these ports possibly dislodging the obstruction it may be flushed away out with the discharging water from the water pump.

Also you may need to run long enough to allow the tstat to open but I generally dont take off idle on land and would watch to make sure it doesnt overheat. how warm does the discharge water feel?

Is the engine under warranty if so maybe it best to take to the dealership?

Heres the link: Suzuki DF 60 (1998-2008) Fig. 2 - Cylinder Block