Free Loaner Life Jackets


Contributing Member
Below is an excerpt from the Virginia Dept of Game and Inland Fisheries Outdoor Report. If anyone has small guests on their boats and need a life jacket that fits the budding sailors, check out BoatUS.

Here's the excerpt:

"Borrow a kid's life jacket: If you're expecting young guests aboard and have a temporary need for the right-sized lifejacket, the BoatU.S. Foundation has over 500 Kids Life Jacket Loaner Program locations across the country where you can borrow one for free.
For more information on boating water safety and the BoatU.S. Foundation services for Boating Safety and Clean Water go to"

Thanks to VDGIF for their permission to publish this item from the Outdoor Report.
I was given a bunch of life jackets and want to donate to a proper usefull program. Any suggestions?