Swingback cooler seat cushions


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I'm new to the forum and am trying to find a replacement seat back and seat cushions for the swingback center console seat on my 2004 Triumph 17' Center console, hull # TRBCG105G304. I've tried cushions for the Wise 50 qt cooler seat 8WD159784 and it does not fit. Then I contacted Merritt Marine, who told me it was a Todd cooler seat, so I contacted Todd and they told me it was a Todd cooler seat consisting of a 1796-18U and 179618NI cushions that could be bought together as set # 1796-C. I ordered this and when it arrived it was also the wrong set of cushions. My seat looks a little smaller than both the Wise and Todd 50 qt coolers, I'm guessing more like a 45 or 48 qt cooler. I have found a video of a Moeller Marine cooler seat in which there is a seat that looks just like mine. It looks like the cooler pictured on the right hand side of the opening frame in this video, with the v notch molded into the bottom of the cooler (
Does anyone know who made the original seats for this boat or where I can order them?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I'm sorry, I don't know who made the original ones. However, there's a guy that lives near me that replaced the cooler with a little bit larger one. It came as a complete unit, cooler, back and cushions. Gave him more cooler space. Just an idea.
Offshoreman, I appreciate the thought. Both the 50 qt coolers are close to the same size.
The scottish blood in me hates to throw away the whole setup because the vinyl is getting old, but it might be as cost effective to buy the whole new cooler seat as to get my current cushions re-upholstered. No wonder we've become such a throw away society.
I like to rebuild old fishing reels and rods. I like to continue to use that which is considered unusable. I hate throwing things away. However, when you can't find another solution, it might be time to upgrade there-by giving yourself replacement parts that are available now.
If you have the OEM cushions, they can be used as a template to make another set at any quality Marine Canvas or Automotive Interior shop in the material of your choice. ;)

Then you can return the others that you bought.

Or just have a leaning post installed and slide a quality cooler under it. Your choice as to how much $$$$ one wants to invest into the project :cool:

Another thread you might want to review on the subject:

Hope this helps?
Update to this thread:
It turns out the seat on my boat is a Moeller ST3000. I ordered one online and it is an exact match. Could not find where to order just the cushions, but the entire seat cost me $400 shipped, which wasn't much more than what Todd wanted for just the cushions.