Suzuki Ignition Switch Trouble


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I have a Suzuki 140 4S with the solid state (sealed) type factory ignition switch. Got home yesterday from a day on the ocean, tried to start engine to flush system. All electrics seem to be functioning correctly but nothing happens when key is moved to the "Start" position.

Checked wiring away from switch, no problems noted. This has not occurred previoiusly. Has me concerned though. I assume I need a new switch as I can not now trust this one.

My questions to you are; Is this a known problem with the factory switch? Is there an upgraded switch or recall on these switches? Boat and motor are both '04 models with 120 total hours. No water intrusion or immersion occurred.

Please give me your thoughts.

I'm going to assume that your throttle is in the neutral position? Have you tried moving it back and forth just a bit to make sure? You don't want to move it much. Is there a iginition fuse?
I have a Suzuki and have had to make sure I was in neutral for my motor to start. Sometimes a little throttle handle wiggeling helped.
I'm clueless. Definitely would not kick over if not in neutral. These motors have some "failsafe" mechanisms that will prevent the motor from even trying to start. First thing to look for is if your engine and/or oil lamp truns on and blinks with the key in start position. If they do, record the sequencing. If not, I would think to ck the connection in the motor.
I have a repair manual if you want anything more specific or you can get one at Browns Point Marina thru this site at the QuickLinks section.
Thanks for the replys Astro and Molar. Yes I was stupid and did not check the shift lever. It was 1/4" out of center neutral so you both had it right. Works now. Boy do I feel dumb. At least it didn't cost me anything, like a minimum service call at the dealer. I found it myself.
Good deal Codfish. Glad you found the problem. It's routine now for me to check the throttle position when the motor won't start. No reason to feel's part of the learning process when operating a boat. "Throttle Wiggling" is now a new learned process you can add to your working boat knowledge and operation.

I also own a Suzuki Shop Manual and it has nothing on tightning up or adjusting the throttle cables.
Another "PANIC" situation on a Suzuki is to be out fishing with the motor off and unknown to you accidently knock the kill switch clip off. Mine pops off at the slightest bump.
Perdido, you might want to buy the replacement kill switch lanyard with plastic engaugers in the "variety" pack. I have found a couple other's that work well and seem tighter and a bit thicker.