Stripped Oil Plug


Participating Member
OK so I didn't read the posts about putting anti seize on the allen screws that are on the my oil bath hubs and now one of them has seized. And of course since it's brass (WHY????), I managed to strip it quite nicely. I figure my only option left is to drill it out and replace it but I haven't found anywhere to get a replacement. Anyone got any ideas on (1) Getting the old one out (2) Replacing with????
ynmart you can buy at your near by auto parts dealer what they call a ez out it looks something like a drill bit they comes in all sizes i say you need a 1/16"one you drill a hole in the allen screw and than put the ez out in with a hammer taping it a little bit. when you have it in nice and tight you use a wrench to back it out can get the allen screw at any nut and bolt dealer or hardware store there is also some stuff call pb blaster you can get at the auto parts and spray on it that is made to get out rusty nuts and bolts