Striper Fishing again in the 190


Contributing Member
Just want to update everyone about the last trip I just made this past weekend. We got down on Friday midday and set out of Lynnhaven Marina on 60 East in Virginia. Put the boat in and headed out the inlet looking at going to the Bridge and dropping some eels. Got out of the inlet and looked East and there was 300 boats sitting off of the Cape/Lighthouse. Rigged up the Umbrellas and Mojo's and went for it. It was pretty rough with 3 footers and millions of boats running around. Once again the front curtian is GREAT....Ended up in front of Rudee Inlet.... Set out and ended up with 3 fish total, 2 keepers. One was 43" and the other was 34". The short fish was 2" shy of being dinner :D. Pamarine (AKA: Sleepy ;)) met up with us on Saturday and what a hard day it was. We ended up hooking up 1 fish for the day a Pamarine got her in. I have some pictures that I will have to get up on here so you all can see..... I beleive that she went mid 30's as far as length, and close to 20lbs. Pamarine turned out to be a cool guy as 99% of Triumph Owners seem to be. Had a great time with him on the boat and you are always welcome to join.
*Saw a 210 that had one of the sweetest T-Tops/Tower installed...... Talked with the guy for a couple minutes at the landing in Rudee's Inlet. Didn't get a name so if you are on here let me know.

** I need a 23' Triumph :D!

Averaged the MPG for the weekend and the 150 Yammi got 4.5 mpg total. Pretty good with the 100% Full trim down / rough conditions.....

Boost :)
You are killin me without pic's of those toadie linesiders, i would love to work for those. What you do for them is very simular to what those in the know-how do for the Halibut here. Post the darn photos, otherwise well done on snotty conditions
You are killin me without pic's of those toadie linesiders, i would love to work for those. What you do for them is very simular to what those in the know-how do for the Halibut here. Post the darn photos, otherwise well done on snotty conditions

:D.... Me not posting the pics is my way of getting back at you for all of the Halibut Photos ;)! I will be dropping the camera off tomorrow to get them all on a disk so tomorrow night / Wed evening!!! Digital Camera keeps getting left at the house :confused:


The Trip was a blast but....Sleepy? What am I, a dwarf?!? In all seriousness, thanks for the trip, look forward to the next one. And I'm wearing some waterproof shoes!
The Trip was a blast but....Sleepy? What am I, a dwarf?!? In all seriousness, thanks for the trip, look forward to the next one. And I'm wearing some waterproof shoes!

Not a dwarf.....But with that certian dwarfs syndroms.....;)..! Next time we will put in at 5am so that there is no hour wait. May come back down in Jan to try again. If I do we will make room for ya again and I can bring the extra boots in case of another tsunami :D

:D:D-------- I took some more pictures here around the house of the Boat and Truck. I will be going striper fishing at Badin on Thursday and want to be able to take pics if we catch any. Then the camera will be dropped off Friday morning to have a CD made so that I can get them on here ASAP.........;)
Next time you fish in VA try Cobbs Marine 10 bucks is a small price to pay to stay out of the crowds:D it is also a shorter ride to the bridge CBBT. Try eeling the high rise!!


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I told them the same thing, but only because it's 5 minutes from the house, instead of 30 minutes. It would let me sleep longer, not to mention the inexpensive Ocean View Hotels! lol.
Next time you fish in VA try Cobbs Marine 10 bucks is a small price to pay to stay out of the crowds:D it is also a shorter ride to the bridge CBBT. Try eeling the high rise!!

I beleive that I saw you guys on the way home last Sunday???? I think that you were on 13 or 58 when I saw you. I was in a white 1500 Ram pulling my 190. Do you have a Taho or Suburban???????? If not I saw a 190 being pulled by that and the markings on the side of the boat were the same....... Great Pics and we have been down for the past couple weekends. I have fished the HighRise, Kiptopeke State Park area, Cape/Lighthouse, Rudees, and the Fishermans Island Bridge..... Caught fish in most areas but had the most success trolling...... With that said, everywhere I go the fish are at the other place...:confused: My Luck!
boostjunkie I am only 5 minutes from cobbs marina so it was someone else. I run a 210 2002 model year. The side striping was common that year. Come back in May for the Red and Black drum bite near the high rise. Happy New Year
Dance Partners

Frank the OV atmosphere is so wonderful:p It comes with an Rx on every corner along with well dressed;)dance partners:D

Ironcially, my wife has lived here for two years and never seen either. I swear they all hide when they see her car.
OV has cleaned up a great deal in the last few years and is a great place for fisherman. It will just take time to lose its reputation. Happy New Year and may the winds die down so we can fish!!

Hijacked thread:D

Yea, I have a hard time standing up, the walkway outside the apartment is like a wind tunnel. We'll have to get together some time and fish.