I have a Suzuki 140 4-stroke on a Tidewater 19 ft. Bay Max. I have just bought it new and the motor was under pitched. I noticed the first time I checked the Wode Open Throttle and contacted the dealership. They have sent me a different pitch prop and I tried it. Better than before, but I am wondering if I need to even go more. I know the limits on the operating rpms from the manual, but I am wanting some advice from you on being on the safe side of the long term operation of the motor. I am operating at 5900 to 6000 at WOT with the last prop I received, If I trim it out all the way, I get to bumping a little over 6000. Do I need to go a little more or not to avoid possible chance of shortening the life of the motor? Also, I have always owned 2-strokes before, so this is a new step for me. The 4-stroke is kinda a new step for me.