I'm in Gainesville and own an '04 210 also. We fish primarily out of Cedar Key. If you're not already a member, I'd like to invite you to attend, and join, the Gainesville Offshore Fishing Club meetings. They're every 4th Tuesday of the month and the next one is tomorrow night (Tuesday, 7/21 at 7:30pm at the UF Veterinary School). There's lots of information shared, good eats, and plenty of fishing stories as well. I've been noticing more and more Triumphs out on the water at Cedar Key over the past few months. On a side note, I've always had good service with P&J Marine here in town for all my boat and engine work. They're a little pricey, but they can get you in/out in short order. I have a Honda 150 4-stroke, but they do good on Yammy's too. Texas Trailers has done my trailer service and, like you, I swapped out from drum to Kodiak disc brakes and found them to be good.
Glad to know there's another local Triumph owner. Hope to see you at a GOFC meeting or out on the water. If you see me out at Cedar Key, hail me on the radio. Call sign "Fishin DCs".
Dennis Carter