More Hydrofoil Questions


Registered Member
Let me start by saying I am a newbie to the Triumph community and am very happy with not only the new boat, but also the support here. I am 99% sure I am going to put a hydrofoil on my 170 DC with 4 stroke 60 Yamaha. I have read as many of the posts as I could about this topic and the Bob's Machine Shop seems like the favored item. My question is this, I have access to a free, unused, Sport SE 300 that my brother never installed on a boat he sold he sold. Do all of the accolades about the Bob's Machine Shop outweigh the price (free) of the Sport SE 300? My main concern with the boat performance is getting on plane faster and staying there at slower speeds. It is great with two people, but is a little sluggish with more than that unless I direct everyone where to sit. We had a Hydrofoil on a boat we owned growing up and it made a huge difference, I just want to make sure I will get good performance before I start drilling holes. Any opinions on the two would be greatly appreciated.



Before you drill holes in the cavitation plate you may want to check out this thread

I'm in the same boat (so to speak), I've been weighing the hydrofoil vs the smart tabs. I'm sold on the smart tabs. I know you say that your trying fix the planing at slower speed condition, but you will ocassionally want to go fast and the hydrofoil doesn't appear work as well on top end including reduced effeciency. Just some food for thought.

BMS,BMS,andBMS!!!!!! It's worth every penny. I put one on my 2004 170CC with a 60hp 4 stroke Yammy. It performed exactly like you are wanting one to perform. Better hole shot and slower planing speed. I am thinking about putting one on my 195CC even though it performs well without it. The BMS stabilizer plate works and it does not look like the tail end of a whale. If you put it on and it does not do what you want you can get a small can of "Marine Tex" and fill those holes in 5 minutes. spray paint them and you will never know they were there. It did not slow my boat's top end speed at all.
John D.
Tim, John D, and Jim,

Thanks for your responses. Jim to answer your question about the SE Sport, I am not really familiar with it at all performance-wise. My brother bought it to but on a skiff he had, but sold the boat before installing it. I have read reviews online, and going by the reviews the Bob's Machine Shop wins hands down. John D's response seems right in line with everything else I read. I did see some less than positive reviews of the SE Sport on some other websites (sorry I don't remember which ones). I think at this point I am leaning towards spending the money and getting the BMS. Hope this helps.

order me a plate

I think i will be ordering my plate this week for my 190.
Thanx for all the responses.
The family and I took the boat out today and put the G-Force tube in the water for the first time. It was lots of fun, but it didn't take long to realize that a mod needs to be done. I'm going to pick up a set of Smart Tabs this week.
Let us know how they perform. Also how they fit with the swim platform in place.Thanks.
John D.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I ordered the BMS last night and am eagerly awaiting its arrival! Does anyone have an estimate on shipping times? The confirmation email I received from the company didn't give any indications. I will let everyone know the outcome after I getting everything up and running.

Thanks again,

I have a 17 dc, with a 60hp 2 stroke Yammy, add a sting ray fin to the moter and the boat flys at low rpms. Have a lot fun with it, I know I do.
happy fishing
steve s
BMS Plate

From the information gleaned from this site finally went with a BMS plate on my 2006, 170cc, 60hp Yammy TLR. A real improvement! I now get up on plane quickly, even with someone in the back seats; holds plane down to sub-10mph with one person on board; stopped wandering at low speeds;tracks around fast turns better; and did a tolerable job of skiing my 180lbs behind it (for 60hp that is). I only seem to have lost about 1mph on the top end (not that I spend much time at top end on a 71 acre lake).
For Everyone,

I installed a BMS plate on my 140 Suzuki and love it. I did not like the roughness of the plate or the advertising on it (name) so I took a metal grinding wheel to it and smoothed it out and removed all the bumps and blemishes. I also sharpened the leading edge of the verticle stabilizers and then had it powder coated black to match the motor. Four years later is still looks like new and performs as advertised. Looks pretty good too!

Smart Tabs mounting

As far as the mounting screws used for the Smart Tabs are concerned, did anyone use anything special? I'm concerned about the amount of pressure put on the tabs while in use. Only having two screws hold where the spring bar attaches - I would be afraid of them tearing out of the Roplene much more easily than fiberglass. Are my concerns unwarranted?

I installed SmartTabs on my 195cc as per the manufacturers directions. No problems whatsoever. The force is all pushing against the transome. BTW Triumph install these same tabs on a couple models of their boats. Be sure to seal all holes with Rule sealent.
Yes, please let us know how it works and if it is worth the money. I need one for the 190 for slow speed running. Right now with all of the gear and people I have to keep her at around 3000 RPM to stay on plane.