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- Lakeside
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- Ca
Well I went out Saturday evening,was on the water by 5
opm, began looking for my spot to do the hoop thing. Just love my fish finder the 582 L Furuno, that really helped me to locate what I thought was the best bottom conditions. Well by 6pm I found what appeared to be a good location. So I set up and dropped the hoops in at dusk. Drop 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, drink beer.....Then it was time to play. First net produced 4 bugs one leagal, 2nd net 8 bugs no leagal, 3 net 6 bugs, but only one leagal, one tear drop crap like crap. Now this fouth net was the honey hole it only produced one leagal during the night but it allways brought up 10 - 12 bugs each time. And one Huge moray whos was really mad. he kelped on biting the lobsters, one after the other , way to funny. I did have one FOLLIE, in the mist of measuring, I was measuring throwing out the shorts, then quickly reset the net.......looking around...where the Frag is the measuring tool......SHOOT it was still in the net. I quickly went back pulled her up, there she was still in the net, with what was to be my 4th leagal of the night. All in all 6 leagals, but as I approached the bay , I re-measured to be safe, 2 you could put a piece of paper between the tool and the shell, so I was not sure how picky the game wardens are...so off the boat they go, right by the red buey.