I'm a new member of your owners group. I have a 17' center console, which I keep during the boating season in the Merrimack River is Salisbury, MA. The Merrimack opens to the ocean on the MA NH line.
I was drawn to your group in the hopes of finding something to clean the hull. I read a few threads which suggested that Simple Green would do the trick. I'll let you all know how it goes once I've tried it. I kept the boat in the water from mid May till early October this year. Last year (my first with the boat) I trailered it. As you might guess its now a bit stained from the water above the portion of the hull that I had painted this spring.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join. I look forward to reading and catching up with all of you.
By the way, I love the boat! Regards: Bob
I was drawn to your group in the hopes of finding something to clean the hull. I read a few threads which suggested that Simple Green would do the trick. I'll let you all know how it goes once I've tried it. I kept the boat in the water from mid May till early October this year. Last year (my first with the boat) I trailered it. As you might guess its now a bit stained from the water above the portion of the hull that I had painted this spring.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join. I look forward to reading and catching up with all of you.
By the way, I love the boat! Regards: Bob