Garmin GPS Problem Using WAAS Mode


Contributing Member
Pembroke Pines
To all members,

I've had an intermittent problem with my Garmin GPS 72.

The unit will crash. The screen goes blank or you see a blank screen with a vertical line. When this occurs, the power button will not respond. I have to remove the batteries and unhook the power plug and then hook up power again in order to turn the unit on. Just like resetting a computer.

I spoke to Garmin tech. support today. They stated there is a software issue when using the WAAS feature. Garmin is working on a fix and in the meantime, stated to turn off the WAAS feature. I don't know if this issue affects other Garmin units, but I thought I put the information out.

The web site Garmin has direct me to for updated software is:
Captain...Thanks for the information. I have a Garmin as well and so far so good. Hope the weather is better in Florida than New Jersey! We are having one of our "non-Spring" seasons and will likely go straight from 50 to 90 degrees...Good fishin-John

I also have a GPS 72 with the exact same problem. It started when I turned it on this season. Garmin rep. gave me the same advice. So far, disabling WAAS seems to work, I am waiting for the software fix to see if it corrects the problem.
New software online

Hi All,

Version 2.50 software for the Garmin GPS 72 is online. Use the link I provided in the first thread. Version 2.50 specifically fixes the shut down problem. I downloaded and installed it using my serial cable. Haven't had a chance to test it yet. I'll give an update after this upcoming weekend.

You may also want to download the POI software. This software has all "Points of Interest" including buoys and markers. Install this software after doing the update.

1. Download to a temp file folder.
2. Double click files to extract. Will extract to C:\Garmin.
3. Attach GPS to computer, turn on, put in simulator mode, set to Garmin interface.
4. Run Version 2.5 update. It will do everything.
5. Run POI software. It will do everything.

That's it.
Garmin GPS Back Online

Hi All,

The Garmin GPS 72 is working perfectly in WAAS mode thanks to the software update.