- State
- Florida

What a neat concept (especially for Fly Shops to Demo the latest patterns) Or just to test yours at home to make sure they swim and float correctly. This so you are not wasting valuable fishing time when on the water, and see Tarpon Rolling or just cruising through within striking distance

And I would almost be half tempted to make a Mini Reef Tank out of one, this so I can have the Fly's swimming over a real looking Marine Ecosystem LOL

Awesome Idea though, for I have had some in the past, I just cut off and put another one on (loosing fishing time) since it was not swimming correctly. Here is some more shots for you and it comes in it's own cool case.

And here is a video of this forward thinking little product so you can see it in action:
You can order one here on the link below and just for our fishing buddies across the pond yes, you can even order in a 220 VAC model

I am also looking to see if any of our local fly shops have one now, or are going to order one in the near future? This so we can hopefully secure some more shots and video on the product in action!
And do let them know Flats Nation sent you if you reach out to them!
Tight Lines!