Fish finder at high speeds

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I have a logic 17cc and I was wondering if you have heard of anyone successfully using a fish finder at high speeds. I have a Raymarine DS400 (500 watts RMS) and it works great at slow speeds. I would like to know if it is even possible with a Logic 17 footer before I spend hours adjusting the transducer and drilling holes. I have a transom mount transducer and according to Raymarine it is rated to read bottom at 70 mph. My boat has a 50hp Honda four-stroke and maxes out at about 30 mph.
I have the great solution, why you ask....because I have had the same problem. Hee hee # 1 if you have a manual mode use it. this allows you to preset your gain and signal levels. In auto...they are set to high. # 2 the instructions say to have the sonar about 1/8 below the hull of the boat..FORGET that. I have mine after many trial and errors, approx 3/4 - 1 inch. It is almost like haveing a through hull. WORKS AWESOME now. Even at high speeds. I still get a bit of garble now and then . But for the most part, I get great readings. my unit is a Furuno 582 = 600 watts of power:D
I just replaced a b/w Lowrance with a color 178C Garmin on my 170CC a few weeks ago. I had a lot of garble with the old one, but the new Garmin is crystal clear at WOT. I was really suprised and glad that it was so clear. I had to change transducer's also, but I melted a little Ropolene and used a small putty type knife and closed the old holes pretty good.
John D.
Thank you very much for all of your input. I was wondering if you could let me know where on the transom you put your transducer. Raymarine says to put the transducer on the right but I had put it on the left since that is where my old one was. I'm not sure how much a difference it makes but I was wondering if you could tell me how many inches from the center you installed your transducer and what side did you put it on?
(suitekids quote)any lower and it flipped up at sppeds close to 50 (WOT) when the Xducer was deeper.

Wow...Mine is 3/4 0r more below the bottom...then again my boat can:D 't go that fast..max speed with wind at my back is 40. On the ocean....I don't even need to go that fast.
yes being able to that fast if you need or want would be nice....But alasss, i was sold a boat with a small motor
Ditto here w/Lowerence 522, lose bottom at WOT

I think is cause of bubbles from the drain holes in the front Bow compatments. They have indentations (like air scoops in the hood of a car) in the hull to force water up the drain holes if using them for fish holds. The bubble trails fall right in line with my transducer mount location (DUH!)
i have the ds600 and my transducer has a little rooster to it but i can see thru the full range of speed

ease it down some more and see if it helps