first post 170cc

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I have been waiting to post untill I got my 170 cc 2007 yamaha 4stoke 75hp bla bla bla. I am new to fishing and this is my first boat. Waited six weeks for it to come in something about no 75hp yamahas to be found. I know nothing about boats so I started reading and more reading. Hope I made a good selection. Ordered some gauges that I thought should be include on the boat. Ordered matching gauges that Triumph used. First a tilt and also a depth finder with air and water temp. I'll be asking for help from all of you. next compus and a combo gps fish finder. Any ideas on eather gpsmap 530s from Garmen or Lourance 28c with hard drive. I have installed a Minn Kota sp 55rt/cp/ap with a gel battery in the cc. I thought charging the battery in the cc would be a pain so I bought an extra male plug for the trolling motor outlet to use to charge the battery. Anyone forsee any problems with this setup. I can use any help I can get because this is all new to me. Also I can't fish worth a damg but I thinking about entering the July fishing contest to learn from eveyone else. Any thoughts.

FIrst of all welcome to the site and congratulations on your new boat, you made an excellent choice. While I can't address any of your questions on the GPS since I don't have it I cam tell you that charging your trolling battery through the female connection is a great way to charge the battery; that's how i charge my trolling motor battery.

If you haven't purchased a battery charger yet I'd recommend getting one that has variable settings with a maximum of 20 amps and an overload switch that will turn the charger off when the battery is fully charged. I bought mine from Home Depot for around $70. I also bought two Marinco ConnectPro Plug/Accessory Kits from Bass Pro Shops. I set one up on the cranking battery so I could charge it like the trolling motor battery and used the other to connect the original battery clamps that came with the charger back to the charger so I could use it on a car battery.

Hope this helps.

Welcome aboard Dennis and congratulations on the new 170cc! I would suggest visiting the Electronics forum and viewing some of the existing threads there and then posting about the Garmin and Lowrance there as well. We'd love to see you at the event in Southport in July. It will be very low key and the 170 will be perfect for flounder fishing inshore. There will be several locals that can point you in the right direction on where to fish too. There will be time on Friday evening for owners to meet and talk about their boats and their setups at the Owners Social prior to the Captains meeting. I hope we see you there. :)