EZLoader Trailers ...
I found some of the answers to your questions in the owner's manual that came with my trailer. Fortunately, the Triumph dealer I dealt with included it in the "stuff" that came with the 190 Bay that I recently purchased. For reference , I included a link to the EZLoader manual (below). Just in case this link doesn't work for you, the answers (in brief) are as follows: from page 26 -
"SAE 50W or 90W gear oil can be used in the oil bath and can be mixed if necessary"
"If the cap has to be removed it can be unscrewed using the correct sized socket."
per chart bottom of page 26: All 5 lug Wheels = 2 3/8 inch (6 point socket)
: All 6 lug Wheels = 2 7/8 inch (6 point socket)
link to EZLoader owner manual:
One more thing, ..being new to boating, trailering, etc., I had several frustrating moments at the lauch site when the trailer brakes would lock up (the disk brakes worked VERY well at these inopportune times) whenever I attempted to back up the rig. The ONE THING NOT MENTIONED IN THE MANUAL is that this particular model trailer has an electric solenoid for overiding the surge brakes. The solenoid is engaged when the vehicle is placed in the REVERSE gear (this requires a backup lights connection to the tow vehicle). This feature works well but the trailer electrical connector must remain connected (duh). I still get out and disconnect JUST BEFORE the trailer enters the water, but NOW not until.
For my next trick, ...I'll be studying hard to back this thing up WHERE I WANT IT TO GO! But that's another story......