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Performance Outdoors.Net is now working with "Pangolin Photo Safaris" over in Northern Botswana and you can learn more about them from their Website here: https://www.pangolinphoto.com/
And to help bring more exposure to the exploitation of this animal only for it scales (unreal) to the point of near extinction, Or will be soon, if measures are not made to help stop this madness... So, to help bring you up to speed on this animal and I admit, I knew very little about them myself so, don't feel bad IF you say "Dave, what heck is a Pangolin?"

But after watching it and please do share! I think you will agree, and get angry like I did... At the raw insanity of this for (so called) Medical Purposes... Yea, right, give me the logic in that application

And if you are not registered for their Photo Contest like I and others, and as you saw me post up and now on the Homepage also. You can still give to help these conservation efforts by using this US Based Platform to make your tax deductible gifts (every dollar helps) and I had no issues when I did which is always of "some concern" when working with Overseas efforts naturally!
And do let them know the guys from Performance Outdoors.Net sent you if you reach out to them!
Also if you enjoy the Site, don't forget tell your friends to join us (it's fee) and partake in on all the discussions and exchange of help / ideas on many Outdoor Related Topics!
All My Best,