Recognized Leader Triumph 210 / 215 Forum
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Like a lot of boaters on here and elsewhere, I have Boat US towing insurance. The problem is how to get in touch with the tow boat operators when I'm way offshore. For the past few years, I have also subscribed to SPOT messenger service which is a satellite messenger that had the ability to directly summon Boat US towboat with your coordinates, when a button was pressed on the device. Seemed adequate for my emergency breakdown needs.
(I have EPIRBs for critical emergencies).
Well, SPOT made some recent undesirable changes. First, they raised their rates about 30% annually. That was bad enough, but then they cut ties with Boat US and no longer have direct summoning of Boat US Towboat. That was the last straw. I cancelled SPOT.
Sooooo, now back to how do I get in touch with Boat US if I need a tow way offshore out of the reach of VHF and cell service?
After evaluating all other satellite messenger devices and any other means I could find which would work anywhere, it boils down to Sat-Phones.
That's my situation. So now for the Question phase of this Thread.??????
1. Anyone have any other communication - contact ideas?
2. Anyone have any experience or recommendations of Sat-Phone phones and service providers.??
a.) Phone cost?
b.) Monthly or yearly service costs?
c.) Ease of use, connection issues, coverage, dropped calls, reliability, maintenance, recharging batteries, battery duration etc etc.??
Let's hear it Guys...............
BTW - I never did like SPOT anyway, because as a transmitter only, there was no way to know if anyone received your distress transmission for help. But, at the time it was better than nothing and Sat-Phones were outa reach cost wise.
(I have EPIRBs for critical emergencies).
Well, SPOT made some recent undesirable changes. First, they raised their rates about 30% annually. That was bad enough, but then they cut ties with Boat US and no longer have direct summoning of Boat US Towboat. That was the last straw. I cancelled SPOT.
Sooooo, now back to how do I get in touch with Boat US if I need a tow way offshore out of the reach of VHF and cell service?
After evaluating all other satellite messenger devices and any other means I could find which would work anywhere, it boils down to Sat-Phones.
That's my situation. So now for the Question phase of this Thread.??????
1. Anyone have any other communication - contact ideas?
2. Anyone have any experience or recommendations of Sat-Phone phones and service providers.??
a.) Phone cost?
b.) Monthly or yearly service costs?
c.) Ease of use, connection issues, coverage, dropped calls, reliability, maintenance, recharging batteries, battery duration etc etc.??
Let's hear it Guys...............

BTW - I never did like SPOT anyway, because as a transmitter only, there was no way to know if anyone received your distress transmission for help. But, at the time it was better than nothing and Sat-Phones were outa reach cost wise.
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