Electronics Guy


Contributing Member
I am the proud owner of a new (used) 2003 170CC. Gotta love the wedding present from the parents. Anyway, I will be doing many things to it and will publish my projects on here. I am an ABYC Marine Electrician and proficient with most major Electronics Manufacturers. Feel free to ask me any question you may have and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Frank Dixon
Princess Anne Marine Services
Welcome aboard Frank. :)
Oh, sure. Now you show up after having to troubleshoot my Tach problems all by myself. Where were you two months ago? ;)

All joking aside, welcome aboard. Your experience will surely be used on this site. I look forward to future posts.

Tight lines.
Welcome aboard Frank. I also am a new (used) 170cc owner. I plan on adding the usual items for fishing aids. I am sure I will need plenty of your advice.

Shocking and very Cool.

Congrats on the boat. Expect to see photos with all new electro gadgets. Radar, side scan sonar, loran, GPS, VHF, SSB, Weather fax, etc. :-)

I think if i put every toy I wanted on my lil 17 footeer I might just prove that triumphs are sinkable after all, lol. I will be adding product reviews in the review section as I come across noteworthy Items, and wil post articles of the various mods I am doin to my boat.
Pamarine It Sounds Like You Are Going To Be A Big Help To All Of Us. Congrats On The New Boat