Electrical Plug


Participating Member
Premium Member
Spring Valley
I have a 2007 190 Bay and I see that the factory uses a gray plug on many of the electrical connections. I've found it on the bilge pump, bait pump and also on the bow deck light. It is a 2 prong plug that looks like it might be some kind of propietary plug used by Triumph. Are these available to the public? I'd like to rig a backup bait pump and have it ready to go. Where can I buy this type of plug?


It is usually very expensive to produce a plug, so, I doubt that Triumph uses a
proprietary plug.

Try DigiKey or MCM electronics.

Good luck.

The connectors used by Triumph are called Deustch connectors. The are commercially available at most electronics shops (not radio shack) as are pins and sockets to go in them. They are found in many industrial applications where a waterproff connections is spec'd. You may want to try Allied Electronics and Mouser for online resources. Hope This Helps!
Thanks for the info. I look it up online and buy several so I'll have them on hand for my next projects.
