E Collar training


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Punta Gorda
I have worked Police service dogs for 22yrs. and was introduced to the RTC (remote training collar) while training my first partner, Reno. We learned the system as our master training did. After we had been working the streets for a while I actually broke down and spent almost $600 to purchase a Tri Tronics pro 100. I did this as I had noticed a substantial difference in how quickly and cleanly Reno responded when we trained regularly with the collar. One of the biggest differences I observed with the collars was the difference in the dog not associating the stimulation to the handler. When I was first going through training we had a few guys that were stuck in old school and refused to even consider the RTC. I can still see the one officer doing ob with his dog. When the dog was on lead he was indeed good at heeling and following commands, but if you looked at him he was not comfortable. His head was always down and his ears laid back. You could almost see him looking at the handler waiting to get yanked. However, when he was off lead he was more alert and his head and ears were up. If you thinks dogs can't tell distances you could see those differences in the dog when he was off lead doing ob and got more than 6 feet way from the handler.

I have attached several articles written by Jim & Phyllis Dobbs and Alice Woodyard from Marysville, CA. The articles are older and written toward Schutzhund dog training, but the philosophies and techniques work well in training across the board. At points in the articles they reference how to do different things with the equipment, like changing stim levels and such. The technology has improved substantially over the years, but the basics are the same just the way to do it has improved.

To many people think when they here electronic collar is zap the crap out of your dog to correct a behavior. I am posting these articles to promote a better understanding of how the collars work so well and are far from an inhumane way to train your dog.

Dick Jennings,


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I haven't really looked into the "lower cost" units. But there are a couple things to look at when looking at an RTC. easily adjustable ranges and being able to compensate for think or thinner hair. It is also good to have a non electric stim like a tone or vibration. There is also something to do with the electricity. I dont recall right off it had to do with frequency or someway they filtered it. but some units emit a sharper stim than others that are smoother and more consistent in the level of stim. The unit I have is from E-Collar technologies. It is not a sub $100 unit, but is far short of the $585 I paid for my tri tronic pro 100 when I got it.
I believe that they are going by educatorcollars.com
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Just let me know Brother, when you can come and take this animal hostage for some "Boot Camp" training. :cool:

The Red Dog / Beast is now fully in the terrible two's, and I am about ready to start sending voltage through him again to get his "attention" :rolleyes:

God do I miss Midnight, he was such a joy and I could take him anyplace even without a leash and always ready to go fishing!
