Calls to Action, other Conservation related concerns...

Dave LeGear

Contributing Member
Lifetime Member
Premium Member
I have been chatting with the guys over at "Rep Your Water" about some hats featuring the Fix Our Water logo modeled after our State Flag (see below)

fix our water.jpg

And they made me aware of "Calls to Action" page they created on their website on some of various issues that need attention like we have here in South Florida. You can find that page on this link: so you can review and see if any of these are in your area that may need you support?

Also, if you have other Water Quality or Land Use issues in your State, please feel free to post those in this section here, this so we can all read and educate our group on those concerns! No group has spent more money and done more for our Outdoor spaces than Sportsmen (and Sportswomen) and we all need to keep up fight so we and our kids, can also go Fishing and Hunting like we and our Forefathers did ;)

Personally and on a side note because I have been asked... I caution myself on posting Conservation related issues that I am not very well versed upon. Some of these issues are very complex and can spur some vicious fighting and very decisive in nature. As a guide, I take the side of the Sportsmen for I do not subscribe to this insanity, of closing off areas to recreational Fishing and Hunting. This though, does not mean I may understand the issue and all of it's complexities for something say in Alaska? As such, I defer to our members in those States who are much closer to those locations and those causes for posting for "They" are much more versed upon them than yours truly :)

Tight lines!