Boat/US insurance


Registered Member
I have been checking around for insurance for my new 17cc and been getting quotes around $300-$350 from progressive and AAA. I then checked with BOAT/US and they were $1,337!!!! Has anyone else gotten insurance thru them? I called and the guy said it was because I lived in Florida! What BS! Any idea why they are a grand more? i asked if there was any mistake I made in deductables or liabilities and he said no that doesn't affect the price that much. Mike from modern discount marine had suggested them,so I was hoping maybe someone else he had dealt with knew why BOAT/US is so outrageously high! Oh,yeah 2 of the 3 companies I checked with had never heard of Triumph or roplene. I am sure if they would study them we would have even less to pay due to the roplene hulls being so indestructable.
I don't Know how good they are? We just needed insurance on the the boat, hopefully we we will never have to make a claim. Most people don't. I need to protect my boat during a hurricane because my deductible goes up, because of hurricane damage.
They won't stay in business very long at those rates for sure...

I had Inamar (never had a problem then again, never made a claim) till I found out that Nationwide was even less... Here again for me, they also have my Homeowners and Truck insurance so I get all those multiline discounts you know :D

Check out whoever carries your other ins. first. I also heard that nationwide has good prices. A friend of mine pays $300 for his 25' contender. Also very important is the companies financial rating.Always go with a company that is rated at least "a" or above(some go as high as "aaa"). The quote I got from progressive online was $240 on the 17.
Boat insurance

I have STATE FARM insurance, and for my 01 logic 210cc,runs around 200 per year with my discount for a boaters safety course...Ive been insured by State Farm for some time now,,only had one claim , that was due to a marina fire when I had my 27ft searay, they paid out 21,000 without a problem for repair work...however I have been notified that there will be a price increase
next year...they like taking your money, but dont like paying it out

proud owner 01 logic 210cc
Boat Insurance

I have my boat insured with Allstate who insures my auto and home. For my 04 17CC with 60 hp Yamaha 4 stroke is $95.00 per year. I have a $500.00 deductible. I also get the discount for safety course.JD
I have State Farm and without a discount (as I am just about to take the test for Boatsmart) is only $189.00 per year
I have Nationwide up here in NY and they know that I trailer the boat to Fl. every winter and keep it there until spring. Just over $300 and that is for replacement value on boat and contents. Also has reducing deductible, $50 for every year you don't file a claim. Couldn't imagine how much they would have paid this last winter when all my electronics were cut out of the boat and stolen if I didn't have the replacement value.:D
The St. Paul through US Power Squadron.
Boat and equipment (Agreed value $15,500)
Boat trailer $1,500
Boating liability each accident prop damage and body inj. $300,000
Pollution liab. $800,000
Medical $10,000
Personal prop. $5,000
Other stuff (uninsured/underinsured, harbor workers, etc.)

Total cost for premium for a year $470.66

Use Tow Boat US for towing insurance and trailer assist for trailer help.

MY BUTT is covered.
I went through USAA and then used them to go through Progressive because they offer a discount to USAA members. The following is a breakdown of my coverage:
Bodily Injury 100,000 each person/300,000 each accident
Property Damage liability 50,000 each person 300,000 each accident
Uninsured boater 100,000 each person/300,000 each accident
Medical Payments 1,000.00
Comprehensive agreed value 35,000 (1,000 deductable)
Collision agreed value 35,000 (1,000 deductable)
there are some other items dealing with the trailer electronics and personal effects
Total cost for the year $226.00
I am looking at increasing the agreed value when I renew the policy
I had Progressive for a 2000 24ft hurricane deck boat and paid $546.00. I now use BoatUS for both the hurricane and the Triumph 195cc and pay A total of $498.00. Plus I get free towing. So far I haven't made a claim or needed towing. I'm in CT so they must think were better boaters. Just Kidding! MY brother in law lives in Clearwater and he pays close to a thousand and says it's beacuse of both the hurricanes and the amount of boating accidents that take place in Florida.
I went through USAA and then used them to go through Progressive because they offer a discount to USAA members.

I have progressive and USAA told me they would write the policy or take over from "manage" from progressive but they didn't tell me about a discount. I will need to call them as I have marine, atv, rv policies with progressive and cars through USAA and need all the discounts I can get!