Well third trip in the AZ heat lit up the right tire on the EZ load trailer putting the mind in overdrive. Luckily for my son and the dog we were near a shade overpass with dirt access so that is where I limped to. Spare tire no problem tire wrench for spare no problem tire wrench to fit the trailer lugs problem. I disconnected left the dog and the son and off to Wally World for a tire iron, 30minuites later we were back in action headed back to were I had just left to the Discount tire store. The Goodyear 205ST75/14 tires were new yet I think the 3yr sabbatical they had just endured help this one to fail. I am glad the story ended safely and the boat was not damaged the only thing that hurt was my ego and wallet, oh yea the White bass had sore mouths 4 hours later than normal but heck I am not complaining. I think I will change tires out this week.