Hey Fischer,
Yep, 3 hulls - first one was a 2000, one of the very first 210's made I believe. I bought it here in the Tampa Bay area. It had all sorts of little problems, but no structural problems - except with the t-top. The welds on the t-top cracked many times. Logic sent me to welding shops twice and then the 3rd time took the hull back and replaced it with a 2001. The 2001 had a lot of improvements on it and a new t-top, but that t-top also had welds crack at least once. Then, I noticed the Roplene floor near the base started developing cracks (one about 10 inches, another about 6 inches). The company again replaced the hull.
Soooooo, now I have a 2003 hull with a 2001 center console and t-top and a 2000 motor and trailer. The t-top has cracked again, but Triumph said it was past the t-top warranty, so I had to get it fixed myself.
P.S. When I got my 2003 hull back, the 2nd time out I had an electrical fire, which was either caused by nicked cables from the console battery to the motor, or from the wrong size being used. I ended up fixing it myself and installed the correct gauge cables, but I did get a bow dodger out of it for free.
So, I've gone through a lot with this boat and had been without one for months at a time while the hull got changed out, but I did get some freebies for it:
bow dodger, coaming pads, t-top curtains, and an updated hull that has all sorts of improvements to it.
P.S. Someone asked in another email about my screen name. That's my current boat name. It's been many names and my last one was "Free Breast Exam", but I've toned it down a tad to "Ladies Drink Free" and have had that on for over a year now and plan on keeping it.